har en läxa i engelska tills på onsdag då vi ska läsa upp den högt inoför halvklass. vi ska skriva en dikt, låg typ o tänkte igår kväll typ kl. 4 o det enda jag kom på att skriva om var framtiden o sen fick jag en kompis åsikt o ja.. hon hjälpte mig lite med den.
i'm standing infront of you today and i seriesly didn't know what to talk about until 3 days ago in the middle of the nigth and the only thing i came to think of was the future. However if i'm gonna be honest with you i don't know what's the tomorrow will bring. We are suposed to get an education, find a good job, fall in love, get merried, have kids and die happy knowing that you've done something good in life. Still our parents can't live our lives for us and we can do what we want no matter the what everybodeyels says. We create our own paths and our own future.
And i’m proud of standing in front of you all as a friend and a classmate and to have known so many wonderfull gilrs to share my memories with. We’ve grown up together after all. And even if we only have about 5 months as classmates we have our hole lifes as friends.
hoppas att det blir bra XD <3
har ju fått våra MacBooks i skolan o har typ suttit o lärt mig sen jullovet startade
i'm standing infront of you today and i seriesly didn't know what to talk about until 3 days ago in the middle of the nigth and the only thing i came to think of was the future. However if i'm gonna be honest with you i don't know what's the tomorrow will bring. We are suposed to get an education, find a good job, fall in love, get merried, have kids and die happy knowing that you've done something good in life. Still our parents can't live our lives for us and we can do what we want no matter the what everybodeyels says. We create our own paths and our own future.
And i’m proud of standing in front of you all as a friend and a classmate and to have known so many wonderfull gilrs to share my memories with. We’ve grown up together after all. And even if we only have about 5 months as classmates we have our hole lifes as friends.
hoppas att det blir bra XD <3
har ju fått våra MacBooks i skolan o har typ suttit o lärt mig sen jullovet startade
Postat av: Taket
blev lite felstavningar o lite fel ord här o vart men jag tror att man fattar